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Volunteer in Costa Rica:
Sea Turtle Conservation Project
Volunteer to save the endangered sea turtles of Parismina Costa Rica. Turtle season starts in February and continues through September. As a volunteer in Parismina, Costa Rica, you will work directly with the local turtle association.
The best volunteer opportunities correlate with our sea turtle nesting season: March through September. It's not too late to make plans for the 2008 season. All volunteers must pay a $30 registration fee. Thereafter, a modest daily fee will cover your food, lodging and basic expenses while in Parismina. Beach patrol,a private room, 3 meals a day, laundry service are available as a homestay package which costs 20$ per day. If you stay longer than two weeks, the rate drops to $15 per day. The best experiences can be had if you have at least a week to commit. Opportunities are also available for those who have only a few days to spend in Parismina.
To arrange your volunteer/homestay in Parismina, contact the tourist kiosk in Parismina directly. The phone number at the kiosk is (506) 2710-7703 Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2-4 Costa Rican time. The voicemail/answering machine is not very reliable and contact by email may be a better option: parisminaturtles@gmail.com.
2009 Turtle Season Intern Needed - Applications for the 2009 Internship are now being accepted. A volunteer is sought for a six month unpaid internship in Parismina. Interns must speak Spanish, have good computer skills and be willing to help with all aspects of the project. Duties will be primarily administrative, but will also include assisting with beach patrols. Other tasks will include working at the turtle kiosk, book keeping, coordinating volunteers and answering questions at the kiosk desk. This is an unpaid position, but housing may be available. Interested candidates should send a cover letter as well as your resume/cv to parismina@gmail.com and parisminaturtles@gmail.com.
A note on The Parismina Way: Please be patient. The kiosk can not return calls to the USA and that email service to the village is somewhere between terrible and non-existent. On the rare occasions when the internet works, the fragile dial in connection runs at 14.4K (regular dial in phone connections run at at least 56k). One of the greatest things Parismina offers travelers is a change of pace from hectic city life. The deliberate, slow pace of life in the village where savoring a sunset means more than the size of your paycheck. The languid shuffling walk in Parismina is different from Limon or Tortuguero - like each step needs to savor the silty sand of the unpaved paths around the car free village. Things just move a little slower in Parismina and that is one if its best qualities.
You may also contact the turtle association by email at parisminaturtles@gmail.com.
A Reminder: Parismina is an isolated community with limited law enforcement resources. Parismina can be a great place to visit if you are prepared to look after your own safety. Talk to the locals - they can tell you who you need to beware of. With a few simple precautions, you can still enjoy the visit of a life time to this endearing village. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
This information is provided for informational purposes only. The user agrees to forever hold Parismina.com and its affiliates harmless for any grievances involving the village of Parismina or its residents. |
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